18 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
Buckminster Fuller's Rules for Knowing if He Was on the R...
I assumed that nature would "evaluate" my work as I went along. If I was doing what nature wanted done, and if I was doing it in promising ways, permitted by nature's principles, I would find my work being econom¬ ically sustained—and vice versa, in which latter negative case I must quick¬ ly cease doing what I had been doing and seek logically alternative courses until I found the new course that nature signified her approval of by pro¬ viding for its physical support. Vherefore, I co...If he was creating artifacts that would help the human race survive, nature, he found, would provide for all his needs.
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Remember Happy Times During Labor
Now we come to a facet of human relaxation that is inescapable. The relationship of mind to body, or the psychosomatic nature of humans. The mind and body are interacting, one helping or hindering the other. It is probably impossible to relax the body completely if the mind is under tension. Vice versa, it is impossible to relax the mind completely if the body is under tension. This is observed also in animals in their need to concentrate during labor and the temporary viciousness of laboring...To get the woman's mind off her present discomfort.